Macro Fotografica Entomology

Macro Fotografica Entomology
Mijn naam is Martijn Meerman. Ik ben van beroep Grafisch vormgever. Mijn innerlijke rust vind ik dagelijks in het maken en creëren op grafisch gebied.
Een van mijn andere grootste passies, wanneer ik uiteraard niet bezig ben met grafische vorm. Is daarnaast het vastleggen van beeld in de vorm van fotografie.Creating the same monotomous subject matter is BORING. I don’t want to slog my day-to-day with “consistency”.
A Brand Is, A Promise Made, A Promise Kept.
Macro Fotografica Entomology
Tallgrass: Wasp spider - Argiope bruennichi : Araneidae family.
Spider : Argiope bruennichi / Up Close and Personal: The Wild World of Insects.
Scientific name: Argiope bruennichi
Higher taxon: Tiger / Wasp spiders
Family: Araneidae (orb web spiders)?:??? The wasp spider is a spider from the Araneidae family, also known as true spiders. Other names are wasp spider or tiger spider, and the scientific name is sometimes spelled Argiope bruennichii.
Oh, yes! In fact, that's why I no longer let spiders scare me (most of the time..) :
? I brushed against some weeds ?? and vines that overhung the steep banks, and went through a big ? web at the same time. That's when I picked up a very large hitchhiker - a giant, yellow fuzzy spider.Anyway, after that day, I said to myself ``Self,`` I said, ``you are never again to be that stupid that you let your stupid fear of spiders cause you to wander like an idiot into the zone of control of a Yellowjacket nest.``
“Take nothing but photos, leave nothing but footprints.`` Respect Nature. ? ?
Macro Fotografica Entomology
Tallgrass: Golden Dragonfly - Aeshnidiae : Glazenmakers.
Macro Fotografica Entomology
Macro Fotografica Entomology
Tallgrass: Red Dragonfly - Aeshnidiae : Glazenmakers.
Macro Fotografica Entomology
Macro Fotografica Entomology
Tallgrass: Red Dragonfly - Aeshnidiae : Glazenmakers.
Macro Fotografica Entomology
Macro Fotografica Entomology
Tallgrass: Red Dragonfly - Aeshnidiae : Glazenmakers.
Macro Fotografica Entomology
Macro Fotografica Entomology
Hondje: Pantura
Travessa Portela Matiz 1, 2300-096 Olalhas ~ Portugal
Deze foto heb ik gemaakt in de vroege ochtend zon (6:00) met mijn vorige pareltje Canon EOS 500D, nu de EOS 77D.
Macro Fotografica Entomology