Artwork: Introduction : Drawings and Sketches Olalhas - Porto
Travessa Portela Matiz Olalhas: Y colorín colorado, este cuento se ha acabado.
The project began : The inspiration for the characters came to me quite quickly. The Little Mushi The Mushroom was loosely based on my own childhood. For some reason, I have always been drawn to illustrating gnomes.
I immediately thought of a favourite childhood read: Rien Poortvliet en Wil Huygen 1981 De Oproep der Kabouters Giant Story Book. As a child, I had always been intrigued but also very scared of the trees in the story ‘Krakers’. I loved the way the branches were arms and the leaves hair.
Drawings and Sketches
Sketch Series 1/4: Adventure - Meeting w/ Mushi The Mushrooms Quest: Pablo.
Sketch Series 1/4 :
Chapter 1 - Adventure - Meeting w/ Mushi The Mushrooms Quest: Pablo.The project began : The inspiration for the characters came to me quite quickly. The Little Mushi The Mushroom was loosely based on my own childhood. For some reason, I have always been drawn to illustrating gnomes.
I immediately thought of a favourite childhood read: Rien Poortvliet en Wil Huygen 1981 De Oproep der Kabouters Giant Story Book. As a child, I had always been intrigued but also very scared of the trees in the story ‘Krakers’. I loved the way the branches were arms and the leaves hair.
Drawings and Sketches
Sketch Series 2/4: Adventure - Meeting w/ Mushi The Mushrooms Quest: Pablo.
Sketch Series 2/4 :
Chapter 2 - The 'Devouring Monster'. from Part l. A Meeting In The Badlands w/ Evil Overlord Named unspoken 'The Rubynator'. ? - w/ Mushi The Mushroom ??♀️??Large, furry and known for it's razor sharp teeth ? that devouring Little Mushiroom Children But unfortunately The Evil Overlord hasn't found Pablo's lost ring ?
? 'to be continued'
Mushi The Mushroom
Sketch Series 3/4: Mushi The Mushroom ~ Pablo - He Knew
Chapter 3 - Mushi The Mushroom - Pablo - He Knew But Fck It.??Pablo lost his precious ring. gifted by his beloved wife.
Mushi The Mushroom
Sketch Series 4/4: Gathering OfThe Elfs ~ Meeting w/ The Bumbies about Pablo.
Sketch Series 4/4 :
Chapter 4 - Mushi The Mushroom - Gathering OfThe Elfs Meeting w/ The Bumbies about Pablo.Help is coming! On it's way'.
With luck' ? this lost ring will soon be a thing of the past. Pablo's precious wedding ring should be wondering lying around here. Somewhere...
Mushi The Mushroom
Sketch Series 1/1 : Chapter Side Journey - Extra Adventure'. ~ Travel w/ Mushi The Mushroom(s)
Sketch Series 1/1 : ✏️?✍??✨
Chapter Side Journey - Extra Adventure'. ~ Travel w/ Mushi The Mushroom(s) Quest: Journey Floati Slow Moving Forest.
Mushi The Mushroom
Sketch Character Series 1/1 : Chapter 0 - Character Sketches '. Storytellin’: #6 Moods.
Sketch Character Series 1/1 : ✏️?✍??✨
Chapter 0 - Character Sketches '. ~ Travel w/ Mushi The Mushroom(s) Storytellin’: #6 Moods.
??♀️??Of course, everybody who's over 21 deserves a beer, and that's something that needs to be aplied to each element in life. ?
The Little Project began : The inspiration for the characters came to me quite quickly. A Adventure w/ The Little Mushi The Mushroom was loosely based on my own childhood. For some reason, I have always been drawn to illustrating gnomes, flowers ? and detailed doodles.
I immediately thought of a favourite childhood read: Rien Poortvliet en Wil Huygen 1981 De Oproep der Kabouters Giant Story Book. As a child, I had always been intrigued but also very scared of the trees? in the story 'Krakers'. I loved the way the branches were arms and the leaves hair ✨?
Mushi The Mushroom
Sketch Series 1/1 : Side Chapter - Early Morning ‘Dream Catching’ For Pablo. Quest: BFG.
Sketch Series 1/1 : ✏️?✍??✨
Side Chapter - Early Morning ‘Dream Catching’ For Pablo. ~ Travel w/ Mushi The Mushroom(s) Quest: BFG.
??♀️?? Pablo will be introduced a little later in the story.The Elves began it. Waking up the trees, teaching them to speak.
Today Nobody cares for the woods anymore. Only Mr Pablo. catch him a dream?
Now that is a good idea, hold on tight little Mushroom. Here we go!
Mushi The Mushroom
Sketch Series 1/1 : Side Chapter - Rain Drops Falling’. Quest: Shelter.
Sketch Series 1/1 : ✏️?✍??✨
Side Chapter - Rain Drops Falling’. ~ Travel w/ Mushi The Mushroom(s) Quest: Shelter.
Quick, Hide take Cover under the Leaves!
The Raindrops Started Falling.
Big rainy drops.. drops.. druppi drops & Wet grass and wet leaves filled the forest.
So the ancient magical mush, started making its rainy drops like always.
Lets take cover and wait for the sunny Sun, to come back.
For most Birdies wet feathers are highly undesirable because they impedet Their ability to fly and dont provide insulation.
Mushi The Mushroom
Sketch Series 1/1 : The End - Every Fairy Tale Including this one’. ~ Travel w/ Mushi & The Fairy.
Sketch Series 1/1 : ✏️?✍??✨
The End - Every Fairy Tale Including this one’. ~ Travel w/ Mushi & The Fairy. ??♀️?? happily ever after
Mushi The Mushroom