Bookcover : Roby & The Moon illustration
A Childbook fairytale story about Roby & The Moon
Roby & The Moon
Chapter Roby & The Moon : Little Roby couldnt sleep
Chapter - R o b y & M o o n ??
Sketch Series : ✏️?✍??✨In a small town it was a cold winter night.
Little Roby couldnt sleep, wandering in his parents garden. when he noticed ! something peculiar, the moon wasnt there
Roby & The Moon
Chapter Roby & The Moon : The Pillow Guardian
Chapter The Pillow Guardian
~ Little R o b y & The M o o n ??
Sketch Series : ✏️?✍??✨Little Roby if you don't watch your pillow,
there's no knowing where it might be swept off to.. !???♀️✨?? ?
Roby & The Moon
Chapter Roby & The Moon : The Labyrinth
Chapter The Labyrinth ~ Little R o b y & The M o o n ??
Sketch Series : ✏️?✍??✨Little Roby ~ Plants they grow, up they go.. ! ?It's a Curly itsy Bitsy Spiral tree✨? ??
Up .. up .. up they go ! It's roots go deep, plants they sweep.
Roby & The Moon
Chapter Roby & The Moon : A Magical Golden Nut Collective
Chapter A Magical Golden Nut Collective ~
Little R o b y & The M o o n
Sketch Series : ✏️?✍??✨They stack, they collect, they protect.
Owl havn’t slept ?????
they have swept every nook and cranny for the missing golden nut
Roby & The Moon
Chapter Roby & The Moon : A Floating frog Paradise
Chapter A Floating frog Paradise ~
Little R o b y & The M o o n
Sketch Series : ✏️?✍??✨Eggs in a nest of twigs, One more frog crossed the bridge. Hip, hop, hop. helping a little frog, Once there was a frog. Who couldn't hop! ????
Roby & The Moon
Chapter Roby & The Moon : The Snow Queen
Chapter The Snow Queen ~
Little R o b y & The M o o n
Sketch Series : ✏️?✍??✨Frozen in time. The lady in white ??♀️✨? ?
she stood there dressed in cold white down. the flakes so bright, so light. remake the world in white. with the sweep of her hand.
she watched as the snowflakes fell again.
Roby & The Moon